Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's my last day in L.A. and I still can't believe I'm leaving! The last week has felt like a fun vacation with family members and friends visiting. The only thing that's different is that most of my belongings are in boxes and my apartment is practically empty. I think it may hit me a few weeks from now that I've actually left L.A. Probably when I'm working at my new job, looking for an apartment in New York and complaining about how cold it is in NJ in May.

Team Pork Roll is Complete
Tony and Pat arrived on Thursday after driving for 5 days from NJ. Or, I guess it would be more accurate to say Pat drove for 5 days while Tony got to sight-see from the passenger side.

We headed right over to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles for dinner - a perfect "welcome to L.A." meal. A waffle covered in butter and syrup paired with a crispy piece of fried chicken - sounds disgusting, tastes delicious! They also had some of the best mac & cheese I've ever had! (Mental note: look in to why I talk more about food than anything else in this blog, after I finish breakfast.)

Friday we stopped by the San Antonio Winery in downtown L.A. to stock up on wine - because you can't have too much wine when you're driving cross country. Then to lunch at the House of Pies (yes mom, we went to the House of Pies without you) where our waiter was overly enthusiastic about everything Pat ordered - "the fried pickles, they're my favorite!" "key lime pie, oh you tease me!". We ended the night celebrating Deirdre's birthday with drinks and red velvet cake at the Blue Room.

Team Pork Roll's final member, cousin Amy, arrived yesterday afternoon. To help her get on West Coast time, we decided to keep Amy up past her bedtime by going to see the L.A. Derby Dolls last night. We told her if she couldn't stay awake she was going to have to put on some skates and join a roller derby team! We watched the Sirens with team members Amber Alert and Mourning Wood defeat the Broadzilla, Tara Armov and the rest of the Fight Team.

This morning we'll go to Mo's for one last champagne brunch with my friends. Then, to a Dodger's game where we have VIP seats 10 rows off the field. And we'll end the day moving out the rest of the furniture and packing the cars. Busy, busy, busy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Jess, U guys ARE busy!! Here is just one last shout out to wish you all a happy and safe journey back east. I know your Mom will rest better knowing that House of Pies was visited! Me, on the other hand .. I want one of those cool derby names .. I'm think'n a few martini's and I could be a Derby Doll too!(ouch!!)
    Again, all the best for the ride!
